Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Vitamins Tablet Alpharabi

Effervescent Tablet 20 g

  • Product Name

    Vitamins Tablet

  • Composition

    Each tablet of 20 g contains:
    Vitamin A 1.500.000 I.U
    Vitamin D3 480.000 I.U
    Vitamin E Acetate720 mg
    Vitamin B1 1300 mg
    Vitamin B2 170 mg
    Vitamin B6 590 mg
    Vitamin B12 2500 mcg
    Nicotine amide 2000 mg
    Pantothenic acid 500 mg
    Vitamin K3 750 mg
    Vitamin C 2280 mg
    Calcium 0.31 g
    Potassium 0.1895 g
    Sodium 0.51 g
    Excipient adds. 20 g

  • Indication

    Vitamins Tablet Alpharabi helps to gain immunity and increase activity and raise the resistance of the body in all animals’ kinds in exhaustion cases.
    Increases production significantly (milk / meat / eggs), because it contains an integrated balanced combination of vitamins and rare minerals .
    An important feature of this combination is its active role in stimulating liver function and increasing the resistance of its cells against the negative effect of the bacteria that causes fatty degeneration of the liver and is also used in the following cases:
    To improve the growth of feathers and skin in poultry, to prevent exhaustion cases resulting from vaccination, relocation and feed changing.
    It's given as well to calves, foal and lambs to increase their growth and activity also for diseases resistance
    It is recommended in cases of Gumboro and Newcastle.

  • Properties

    Vitamin Tablet Alpharabi is easily dissolved in drinking water, which helps to dissolve the components easily.
    Vitamins Tablet Alpharabi doesn't contain any sugar derivatives, therefore doesn't allow the growth of algae and contaminated bacteria in the water of the tank.

  • Dosage

    Poultry and ruminants: 1-2 effervescent tablets per 200 liters of drinking water for 3-5 days.

  • Withdrawal Period


  • Storage

    Keep in a cool, dry and dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C

  • Notes

    Packets containing anti-moisture packets.