Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Vitamin K3 Alpharabi

Injectable Solution 50 ml

  • Product Name

    Vitamin K3

  • Composition

    Each 1 ml contains:
    Menadione Sodium Bisulfite 100 mg
    Excipients ad 1 ml

  • Indication

    Used for the prevention and treatment of Vit k3 deficiency causes a reduction in the prothrombin content of the blood, which prevents blood coagulant in hemorrhagic, used in case of epistaxis in racing horses, anemia, heavy metal intoxication hepatic & intestinal disorders, prevention bleeding measure in delivery and surgery, and used in case of intoxication as with anticoagulant agents (coumarin group) in dogs, cats, horses, cattle, camels and sheep

  • Usage

    IM, SC, IV Injection

  • Dosage

    Prevention of hemorrhages:
    horses, cattle, camels and sheep: 0.5 ml per 50 kg B.W daily for 3 days before surgery
    dogs and cats: 0. 5 ml per 10 kg B.W daily for 3 days.
    Treatment of hemorrhages:
    double the prevention dose, when necessary repeated after 6-8 hours

  • Precautions

    Excessive high doses produce Hemorrhagic anemia, hyperbilirubinemia & kernicterus in newborn

  • Storage

    Store in a cool, dry and dark place at a temperature below 30° c.
    Shelf life 28 days after first use.