Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Toltraplus 2.5% Alpharabi


  • Product Name

    Toltraplus 2.5%

  • Composition

    Each 1 ml contains:
    Toltrazuril 25 mg
    Excipients ad 1 ml

  • Indication

    Toltraplus 2.5% Alpharabi contains a Toltrazuril that affect all types of coccidiosis in poultry such as Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria brunetti, Eimeria maxima, Eimeria necatrix, Eimeria tenella, however is effective against all stages of the phases of coccidiosis.

  • Usage

    Via drinking water.

  • Dosage

    Poultry: 100 ml per 100 liters of drinking water for 2 days, treatment may be repeated after 5 days
    In severe cases: 300 ml per 100 liters drinking water for two days.

  • Withdrawal Period

    3 days

  • Storage

    Store in a cool, dry and dark place at temperatures below 30 ° C
    Keep out of the reach of children.