Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4% Alpharabi

Sterile non-pyrogenic solution, isotonic solution, with a pH = 7.8 approximately

  • Product Name

    Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4%

  • Composition

    Each 1 ml contains:
    Sodium bicarbonate 84 mg
    Excipient ad 1 ml

  • Indication

    For the treatment of cases of acidosis in various animals caused by:
    - Rumen hyper-tolerance to carbohydrates in ruminants, resulting from eating excessive amounts of energy-rich feed.
    - Acute kidney diseases.
    - Uncontrolled diabetes in dogs.
    - Diarrhea accompanied by a loss of a large amount of bicarbonate, and diarrhea in dehydrated calves.

  • Usage

    Intravenous Injection

  • Dosage

    for different animals: 2 - 5 ml \1 kg of b.wt.
    Generally, the dosage depends on the pH of the blood estimated by your veterinarian.

  • Precautions

    - It is given by intravenous injection only.
    - It can be administered directly intravenously, but it is recommended to administer it with intravenous isotonic solutions.
    - It is recommended to infuse the recommended dose over a period of 4-8 hours, as this is the best way to return the blood to its normal pH level.
    - The package is a single dose, therefore; It is better to discard the rest.
    - Use only a clear solution that does not contain sediment.
    - It should not be given to animals deficient in the chloride ions.
    - Not given to animals with alkalosis.
    - It should not be given at the same time with solutions of intravenous calcium solution, atropine, florfenicol, and penicillin.
    - Excessive doses cause alkalosis.
    - Giving the animal a large amount in a short time; It may cause a Heart failure.

  • Withdrawal Period


  • Storage

    In a dark, dry place at room temperature, out of the reach of children