Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Rare Mineral Alpharabi

Injectable Solution 100 ml

  • Product Name

    Rare Mineral

  • Composition

    Each 1 ml contains:
    Sodium iodide 50 mg
    Potassium iodide 50 mg
    Potassium Chloride 4.282 mg
    Copper chloride 0.220 mg
    Manganese chloride 0.855 mg
    Zinc chloride 0.136 mg
    Magnesium chloride 19.640 mg
    Ferrous (II) chloride 12.960 mg
    Ammonium molybdate 0.018 mg
    Cobalt (II) chloride 0.164 mg
    Calcium gluconate 300 mg
    Excipients ad 1ml

  • Indication

    It is used in Cattle, Horses, Calves, Sheep and Goat in the following cases:
    - Infertility caused by deficiencies, changes of the oestrus cycle due to the unidentified causes and asymptomatic infertility.
    - For Silent Oestrus: For better results, combination with E-Selenium and Bison Alpharabi.
    - Poorly developed and inactive ovaries, acceleration of follicle ruptures and chronic vaginitis.
    - Ovarian malfunction, ovarian cysts, changes in uterine tone and failure to release an ovum.
    - Prophylactic administration in pregnant animals to prevent abortion.
    - Iodine deficiencies such as delayed puberty, prolongation of gestation periods, and delivery of dead or weak fetuses, hairless calves and goiters.
    - Reduced libido, poor testicular development, reduced sperm production and delayed maturation of sperms.
    - Metabolic disturbances, deficiency diseases, disturbance of normal bone growth, swollen painful joint and less haemoglobin. Additional treatment in cases of calving paralysis and parturient paresis.
    - Additional treatment in cases of calving paralysis and parturient paresis.
    - Undiagnosed feverish diseases, bronchitis and pneumonia.

  • Usage

    By deep IM or slow IV injection

  • Dosage

    Cattle and Horses: 10-20 ml per animal.
    Calves, Sheep and Goat: 5-10 ml per animal.
    - Depending on indications, treatment may be repeated after 1 week according veterinarian's instructions.
    - case of infertility, administer before oestrus or concurrently with insemination.
    - Dosage is diluted with physiological NaCl or injectable water in the ratio of 1:1 or 1:2

  • Withdrawal Period


  • Storage

    Store in a cool, dry and dark place at a temperature below 30° c.
    Shelf life 28 days after first use.
    Keep out of the reach of children.