Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Menapharb K3 4% Alpharabi

Liquid 1000 ml

  • Product Name

    Menapharb K3 4%

  • Composition

    Each 1000 ml contains:
    Menadione sodium bisulfite 40 g
    Excipients ad 1000 ml

  • Indication

    - Prevention &treatment of vitamin K3 lack.
    - Hemorrhagic diseases such as: (Gumboro, Coccidiosis, Heavy parasitic infestation).
    - Before debeaking and vaccination.
    - To prevent the formation of blood spots in the eggs.
    - In stress conditions.
    - Reduce mortality rate in the embryonic stages.
    large animals:
    - Nosebleeds in race horses.
    - Jaundice in newborns animals.
    - Anaemia, haemorrhages & heavy metal intoxication.
    - Hepatic and intestinal disorder.
    - Bleeding preventive aid in delivery& surgery.

  • Usage

    Via drinking water.

  • Dosage

    - Poultry: 200 ml per 200 liter of drinking water for 3-5 days.
    -large animals: 3-5 ml per 30 kg body weight added to drinking water for 4 days.
    Double the doses in severe cases.

  • Storage

    Store in a cool, dry and dark place at temperatures below 30 ° C.
    Keep out of the reach of children.