Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Levapharb A D3 E C Alpharabi


  • Product Name

    Levapharb A D3 E C

  • Composition

    Each 1000 ml contains:
    Levamisole hydrochloride 20 g
    Vitamin A 9 M. IU
    Vitamin D3 500000 IU
    Vitamin E 5000 IU
    Vitamin C 12 g
    Excipients ad 1000 ml

  • Indication

    It is used to increase immunity, especially after stress resulting from bacterial, viral and parasitic infections. It also improves growth, raises production efficiency, increases egg production, increases hatching and fertilization. It is also used to improve immunity in cases of vaccination and increase the effectiveness of drug treatment in poultry and ruminants.

  • Usage

    Oral administration

  • Dosage

    Poultry: 100 ml per 200 liters drinking water for 3 - 5 days.
    Cattle, sheep and goats: 1 ml per 15 kg B.wt in drinking water.

  • Withdrawal Period


  • Storage

    Store in a cool, dry and dark place at a temperature below 30° c.