Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Leva Bird Alpharabi

Tablet 0.13 g

  • Product Name

    Leva Bird

  • Composition

    Each tablet 0.13 g contains:
    Levamizole 20 mg
    Excipients ad 0.13 g

  • Indication

    For Treatment of intestinal and Strongyloidiasis worms in all small animals

  • Usage

    Via oral or drinking water.

  • Dosage

    Given in early morning before eating.
    Pigeon: one tablet orally every 8 hours for 3 days.
    Pet bird: daily for 3 days, one tablet in 35 ml of drinking water early and before eating.

  • Withdrawal Period

    3 days

  • Storage

    Store in a cool, dry and dark place at a temperature below 30° c.
    Keep out of the reach of children.