Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Ivermectin 1% Alpharabi

Injectable Solution

  • Product Name

    Ivermectin 1%

  • Composition

    Each 1 ml contains:
    Ivermectin 10 mg
    Excipients ad 1ml

  • Indication

    For the treatment and control of internal and external parasites in Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Buffaloes, Camels.
    Gastro-intestinal nematodes (Round worms), Lung worms, Cattle grubs, Mange mites, sucking lice, Biting lice, Ticks spp, Eye worms (Thelazia)

  • Usage

    By subcutaneous injection.

  • Dosage

    Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Buffaloes, Camels: 1 ml per 50 kg body weight.
    Give a second dose after 7 days (for sheep), and after 15 days (for camels).

  • Precautions

    - Not used for lactating animals or within 28 days prior to parturition.
    - Transient local reaction may occur at the injection site.
    - Treatment of cattle grubs should be applied after the end of the warble fly season.
    - Clostridial vaccination is recommended for sheep before deworming.
    - Keep out of the reach of children.

  • Withdrawal Period

    For meat and milk: 28 days.

  • Storage

    Store in a cool, dry and dark place at temperatures below 30 ° C
    Shelf life 28 days after first use.