Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Horsemectin 1.87% Alpharabi

Oral Paste for Horses

  • Product Name

    Horsemectin 1.87%

  • Composition

    Ivermectin 1.87% w/w

  • Indication

    Horsemectin 1.87% Oral Paste for Horses kills the adult and some larval stages of the important internal parasites of horses.
    Horsemectin 1.87% Oral Paste for Horses at the recommended dose rate of 200µ g ivermectin per kg bodyweight is indicated for the treatment of the following internal parasites of horses:
    - Large strongyles (redworms): adults and 4th larval (arterial) stages of Strongylus vulgaris, adults and tissue larval stages of S. edentatus and adults of S. equinus.
    - Adult small strongyles (redworms) including benzimidazole resistant strains: Cyathostomum catinatum, Cyathostomum pateratum, Cylicocyclus ashworthi, Cylicocyclus elongatus, Cylicocyclus insigne, Cylicocyclus leptostomum, Cylicocyclus nassatus, Cylicocyclus radiatus, Cylicostephanus asymetricus,
    Cylicostephanus bidentatus, Cylicostephanus calicatus, Cylicostephanus goldi, Cylicostephanus longibursatus,Cylicostephanus minutus, Cylicodontophorus bicornatus and Gyalocephalus capitatus.
    - Adult and immature lungworms: Dictyocaulus arnfieldi.
    - Pinworms: Adult and immature Oxyuris equi.
    - Ascarids: Adult and 3rd and 4th stage Parascaris equorum.
    - Hairworms: Adult Trichostrongylus axei.
    - Intestinal threadworms: Adult Strongyloides westeri.
    - Neck threadworms: Microfilariae of Onchocerca spp.
    Oral and gastric larval stages of stomach bots: Gasterophilus spp.
    Ivermectin is not effective against encysted larval stages of the small strongyles.

  • Dosage

    Horsemectin 1.87% Oral Paste for Horses is administered orally at a single dose rate of 200 µg/kg of bodyweight. One syringe division of paste should be administered per 100 kg bodyweight (based on the recommended dosage of 200 µg/kg).
    - Each syringe delivers 140 mg ivermectin, sufficient to treat 700kg of bodyweight.
    - The tip of the syringe barrel should be inserted at the interdental space (the gap between the front and back teeth).
    - The horse’s head should be raised for a few seconds after dosing.
    - Horses’ weight should be accurately determined for the correct use of the paste.
    - The animal’s mouth should be free of food to ensure swallowing.
    - For best results all horses in a yard or grazing together should be included in a regular parasite control programme and treated at the same time.
    - All horses should be included in a regular parasite control programme, with particular attention being paid to mares, foals and yearlings.
    - Foals should be treated initially at 6-8 weeks of age and routine treatment repeated as appropriate.
    - Retreatment should be carried out according to the epidemiological situation, but not less than at a 30 day interval.
    - Do not use the same syringe to treat more than one animal unless horses are running together or in direct contact with each other on the same premises.
    - As with all anthelmintics, a veterinary surgeon should establish appropriate dosing programmes and stock management to achieve adequate parasite control and reduce the likelihood of anthelmintic resistance developing.

  • Precautions

    Do not store above 25 C. Keep the container in the outer carton in order to protect from light.
    Do not smoke or eat while handling the product. Wash hands after use. Avoid eye contact.

  • Withdrawal Period

    Edible tissues: 34 days

  • Packing

    Syringes containing 7.49 g of product in cartons of 1, 2, and 10 syringes.

  • Notes

    EXTREMELY DANGEROUS TO FISH AND AQUATIC LIFE. Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with product or used container. Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with national requirements.