Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Furosemide Alpharabi

Injectable Solution 100 ml

  • Product Name


  • Composition

    Each 1 ml contains:
    Furosemide 50 mg
    Excipients ad 1 ml

  • Indication

    Used for cows, equines, Sheep, Goat, dogs, cats:
    - The edema of the udder and the rectal area in cows and mares at birth and in cases of heart and kidney failure.
    - Scrotal testicle (testicle vessel) in male animals.
    - Supportive treatment to relieve ascites, abdominal, cardiac, pulmonary, articular, and tendon.
    - Supportive treatment in laminitis, paralytic myoglobinuria of the horse.
    - Protein deficiency oedema due to renal proteinuria, liver lesions caused by protein metabolism disorders, parasitic infestations or malnutrition.
    - Cutaneous dropsy as a result of damage to blood vessels, poisoning, bruising, allergies, bruises, wounds, dermatitis and surgery.

  • Usage

    By deep IM or slowly IV.

  • Dosage

    Equines: 5-10 ml once or twice daily with intervals of 6-8 hours. (0.5-1 mg / kg B.W)
    Cows: 10 ml one time, or 5 ml twice with interval of 6-8 hours. (0.5-1 mg / kg B.W)
    Sheep and goat: 0.5-1 ml once or twice daily with intervals of 6-8 hours. (0.5-1 mg / kg B.W)
    Dogs, cats: 0.25-0.5 ml /5 kg B.W once or twice daily with interval of 6-8 hours.

  • Precautions

    It is not used in cases of kidney failure, lack of urine, kidney inflammation, lack of salts and the possibility of increased diuresis or convulsions in cases of calcium deficiency.

  • Withdrawal Period

    Meat: 28 days
    Milk: 1 day.

  • Storage

    Store in a cool, dry and dark place at a temperature below 30° c.
    Shelf life 28 days after first use.