Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Flagyl Alpharabi

20 ml

  • Product Name


  • Composition

    Each 1 ml contains:
    Metronidazole 100 mg
    Excipients ad 1 ml

  • Indication

    Flagyl Alpharabi is used for prevention and treatment of Tricomonasis, anaerobic bacteria (clostridium) and diarrhea with sharing with other antibiotic for synergistically function and used for treatment ofBluecombcaused by air currents.
    In addition, it could be shared with Anticoccidialwhich increases its treatment efficiency

  • Usage

    Via drinking water

  • Dosage

    Pet Birds: 7 drops in bird waterer of 50 ml or one drop in mouth directly 3 times daily.
    Dogs and cats: 1 ml per 4-5 kg B.wt. twice daily for 4-5 days

  • Contraindication

    Not given in case of hypersensitivity to Metronidazole

  • Storage

    Store in a cool, dry and dark place at temperatures below 30 ° C.
    Keep out of the reach of children.