Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Ferric Citrate Alpharabi


  • Product Name

    Ferric Citrate

  • Composition

    Each 100 ml contains:
    Ferric citrate 5 g
    Excipients ad 100 ml

  • Indication

    Used in sheep, goats, cows and horses in the following cases:
    - Compensation for ferric lost in blood in cases of blood parasites (theileria, babesia).
    - Anemia and green fodder lacking.
    - After bleeding (births and wounds).

  • Usage

    Via drinking water

  • Dosage

    Sheep and goats: 5 g per 25 kg B.wt.
    Cows and big calves: 10 - 15 ml per 100 kg B.wt.
    Repeat the treatment for several days, as directed by the attending physician.

  • Withdrawal Period


  • Storage

    Store in a cool, dry and dark place at temperatures below 30 ° C.
    Keep out of the reach of children.