Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Energy Pills Alpharabi


  • Product Name

    Energy Pills

  • Composition

    Composition: Each pill contains:
    Vitamin A 0.784 mg
    Vitamin D 2.24 mg
    Vitamin E 0.28 mg
    Vitamin B1 0.56 mg
    Vitamin B2 0.112 mg
    Vitamin B3 (PP) 3.36 mg
    Vitamin B6 0.56 mg
    Vitamin B12 0.028 mg
    Vitamin C 11.2 mg
    Folic Acid 0.672 mg
    Copper sulfate 0.224 mg
    Manganese Sulfate 1.12 mg
    Cobalt Sulfate 0.0056 mg
    Iron 5.6 mg
    Amino Acids 16.8 mg
    Ginger 100 mg

  • Indication

    A group of essential vitamins, mineral salts and amino acids that pigeons need to give energy and immunity to the body
    AlPharabi Energy helps to fill the deficiency of these substances, which leads to weak general activity and loss of feathers in the pigeons, and works to provide the body with energy and raise the immunity of the bird. Ginger has many benefits and treats many diseases.

  • Usage

    Oral administration.

  • Dosage

    Twice daily (one tablet every 12 hours) for 7-10 consecutive days.

  • Packing

    300 pills in a plastic box

  • Storage

    Store in a cool, dry and dark place, at a temperature below 30°C