Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Doxy Plus Alpharabi


  • Product Name

    Doxy Plus

  • Composition

    Each 500 g contains:
    Doxycycline 8 g
    Colistin sulfate 600 M.IU
    Excipients ad 500 g

  • Indication

    Doxy Plus AlPharabi, It has wide effectiveness against gastrointestinal infections, which are caused by Gram-positive and negative bacteria such as (Staphylococcus - Streptococcus - E.coli - Clostridia - Salmonella - Pasteurella - Klebsiella), Mycoplasma and Protozoa.

  • Usage

    Via drinking water.

  • Dosage

    100 g per 200 liters of drinking water for 4 - 5 days.

  • Contraindication

    - Not given to animals that have an impaired renal and/or hepatic function.

  • Withdrawal Period

    8 days

  • Storage

    Store in a cool, dry and dark place at a temperature below 30° c.