Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Copper B12 Alpharabi

Injectable Suspension

  • Product Name

    Copper B12

  • Composition

    Each 1 ml contains:
    Copper (As Copper Methionate) 20 mg
    Vitamin B12 1 mg
    Excipients ad 1 ml

  • Indication

    Copper B12 Alpharabi is used for the prevention and treatment of Copper deficiency and treatment of hydronephrosis with concurrent anaemia in Cattle and Sheep

  • Usage

    By deep intramuscular injection only into the neck area

  • Dosage

    The suggested dose rate is 20 mg of copper per 50 kg B.weight, maximum 120 mg copper.
    - Cattle (adult): 4 - 6 ml
    - Ewes: 2 ml
    - Calves: 1 - 2 ml
    - Lambs 0.5 ml
    Maximum dose for animal: 6 ml

  • Precautions

    - Do not administer intravenously
    - Do not inject into the rump muscles
    - Do not overdose, please adhere to the above dose

  • Withdrawal Period

    Meat: 21
    Milk: None

  • Packing

    20 - 50 ml

  • Storage

    Store in a cool, dry and dark place at a temperature below 30° c.
    Shelf life 28 days after first use.
    Keep out of the reach of children.