Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Closantel 10% Alpharabi

Injectable Solution

  • Product Name

    Closantel 10%

  • Composition

    Each 1 ml contains:
    Closantel 100mg
    Excipients ad 1 ml

  • Indication

    Closantel 10% Alpharabi is usedin cows, sheep and goats for the control and treatment of internal and external parasites including:
    - Adult and juvenile liver flukes (6-8 weeks)
    - fasciola hepatica
    - Gastrointestinal roundworms (adult and fourth-stage larvea),
    - Cattle grub (parasitic stages): Hypodermabovis, H lineatum.
    - Sucking Lice
    - Mange Mites (cattle scab)
    When treating diseases caused by fasciola hepatica it is recommended to repeat the medication after it has been used for 3 weeks to completely eliminate immature fasciola.

  • Usage

    By subcutaneous injection.

  • Dosage

    Cattle and camels: 1 ml per 20 kg of b.w.
    Sheep and goats: 1-2 ml per 20 kg of b.w.

  • Contraindication

    Hypersensitivity to closantel.
    Do not use for intravenous or intramuscular administration.
    Do not use in cattle or ewes producing milk for human consumption, including in the dry period.
    Do not use in the last trimester of pregnancy in heifers, which are intended to produce milk for human consumption.

  • Withdrawal Period

    Meat: 49 days

  • Storage

    Store in a cool, dry and dark place at a temperature below 30° c.

  • Notes

    Side effects
    Hyper acute anaphylactic reactions in cattle.
    Overdoses can cause reduced anorexia and general weakness.
    Do not administer more than 20 ml per injection site.