Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Barakeh Pills Alpharabi


  • Product Name

    Barakeh Pills

  • Composition

    Each pill contains:
    Vitamin A 0.784 mg
    Vitamin D 2.24 mg
    Vitamin E 0.28 mg
    Nigella sativa powder 50 mg

  • Indication

    A group of essential vitamins and Nigella sativa powder that help to raise the bird’s immunity, in addition to enhance activity and movement. Nigella sativa helps cleanse the digestive system, kill worms in the intestines and helps activate the immune system of pigeons and birds, which gives strength in diseases and viruses resisting. In addition, the Nigella sativa helps in activating the hormones which increases the fertility of pigeons and other birds, and thus increases production.

  • Usage

    Oral administration

  • Dosage

    Twice daily (one tablet every 12 hours) for 7-10 consecutive days.

  • Packing

    300 pills in a plastic box

  • Storage

    Store in a cool, dry and dark place, at a temperature below 30°C