Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Atropine Alpharabi

Injectable Solution 100 ml

  • Product Name


  • Composition

    Each 1 ml contains:
    Atropine sulfate 10 mg
    Excipients ad 1 ml

  • Indication

    For the treatment of intestinal cramps and as a muscle relaxant and antispasmodic and to reduce the secretions of the digestive and respiratory tract, and as a basic treatment in cases of poisoning with organic phosphorous compounds.

  • Usage

    Via subcutaneous Injection only

  • Dosage

    All species:
    -0.04 mg/kg B.wt. (1 ml/250 kg B. wt.)
    - Horses, cattle and Camel: 1 ml/250 kg B. wt.
    - Sheep, goats: 0.2 ml/50 kg B.wt.
    - Dogs, cats: 0.1 ml/10 kg B.wt.
    As a partial antidote to organo-phosphorous poisoning:
    All species: 1 mg / kg B.wt

  • Precautions

    - Do not use other parasympatholytic.
    - Overdose is treated with parasympathomimetic drugs (neostigmine).
    - Atropine is poisonous alkaline.
    - Antidote for human: Warmth, emetics, cholinergic

  • Withdrawal Period

    Meat: 5 days.
    Milk: 3 days

  • Storage

    Store in a cool, dry and dark place at a temperature below 30° c.
    Shelf life 28 days after first use.