Pharmaceutical form:

The target animals:

Aminovital Alpharabi

Injectable Solution

  • Product Name


  • Composition

    Each 1 ml contains:
    Vitamin B1 4 mg
    Vitamin B6 0.34 mg
    Vitamin B2 0.17 mg
    Vitamin C 4 mg
    Calcium Chloride 0.08 mg
    Potassium chloride 0.21 mg
    Magnesium sulfate 0.08 mg
    Arginine 1.44 mg
    Valine 3.60 mg
    Cysteine 3.20 mg
    Glutamine 3.20 mg
    Glycine 3.20 mg
    Histidine 1.32 mg
    Nicotinamide 8 mg
    Isoleucine 3.60 mg
    Leucine 4.28 mg
    Lysine 5.44 mg
    Methionine 3.20 mg
    Threonine 3.20 mg
    Tryptophan 0.86 mg
    Phenylalanine 5 mg
    Glucose 33 mg
    Excipients up to 1 ml

  • Indication

    -Increasing the rate of feed conversion in fattening animals.
    -Increase animal productivity: milk, eggs, meat..
    -Improving the general condition of the animal after stress factors such as transport, immunization, and the spread of epidemics.
    -Increasing growth, activity and vitality in young animals: foals, calves, lambs...

  • Properties

    Vitamins, mineral salts and amino acids that provide the body with everything it needs for the proper functioning of vital processes.
    It also increases the efficiency of converting feed into production (meat, milk, eggs)
    It is used by horses to meet their needs for excellent athletic performance, and increases the luster of their hair.
    It raises immunity, prepares the body to face potential disease outbreaks, and is necessary during the recovery period from acute and chronic diseases.

  • Usage

    IM, SC or slowly IV.

  • Dosage

    Cattle, Horses and Camels: 10ml/100kg body weight.
    Sheep and Goats: 1 ml/10 kg of body weight.
    Dogs and Cats: 1 ml/10 kg of body weight.
    Or according to the opinion of the veterinarian.

  • Withdrawal Period


  • Storage

    In a cool, dark and dry place, out of reach of children