Scientific Seminar in Daraa - Jasim 2023


In: Daraa Governorate, Jasim city

- On 18/07/2023, Alpharabi Team organized a scientific seminar followed by a field tour in Jasim city, Daraa Governorate. - The seminar began with a speech by the marketing manager of Alpharabi company Mr. Rami Shoura, where he talked about their products and the available production lines. Alpharabi team listened to the attending veterinarian, Paraveterinary worker, and breeders about their problems and requests from the company. - Then, Dr. Mamdouh Al Sourani from the Alpharabi team gave a detailed explanation about common diseases in livestock and how to treat and prevent their spread. - Afterward, a number of field cases were inspected in several farms in the area. Various cases of illnesses were diagnosed and treated using the company's medicines. - At the end of the seminar, samples were distributed to veterinarian, Paraveterinary worker, and breeders.