Honoring Alpharabi 2022


In: Syrian Marketing Club

The Syrian Marketing Club and the Syrian Marketing Association held their closing session for the year 2022, in the presence of Alpharabi Company for the manufacture of veterinary and agricultural medicines. Alpharabi Company was honored for its efforts to support the club and the association’s work for this year and for its sponsorship of one of the monthly marketing sessions held during the year 2022. The marketing manager at Alpharabi Company received the certificate of honor presented by the club and the association. The family of Alpharabi Company for veterinary and agricultural products Industry extends its sincere thanks to the Syrian Marketing Club and the Syrian Marketing Association, represented by: A. Wael Hassan / Director of the Syrian Club for Marketing. Mr. Hussam Nashawati/Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Syrian Marketing Association. Mr. Muhammad Al-Khatib, supervisor of the Syrian Marketing Club. For this generous gesture from them, we ask God, the Most High, the Ancient, for success and excellence in their work. Alpharabi..towards leadership in the world of veterinary medicine. Follow us on the Alpharabi application http://www.alpharabi.com/alpharabi.apk