Alpharabi Field Tours - Eastern Ghouta 2022


In: Eastern Ghouta

Working as a team that generates achievements and achieves positive results that were not taken into account... • Today, our technical team continued its professional career in the field, which it started a year and a half ago, tirelessly.... Over the course of two days (Monday and Tuesday, February 14 and 15, 2022), it visited more than ten cows and sheep farms located in the Eastern Ghouta region, and began its work in diagnosing and treatment of many diseases, which varied between: • Abortion of a bred cow, udder infections, respiratory infections, diarrhea in calves, uterine inflammation, eye infection, external parasites, articular abscesses in calves, udder warts, scabies and infertility cases, as it provided all the required treatments free of charge in appreciation and support to the breeders. All thanks and appreciation to Dr. Ahmed Al-Burhani, who had an outstanding effort in this field tour. Our field tours are continuing and soon in the rest of the governorates.. Alpharabi ... Towards leadership in the world of veterinary medicine. Follow us on Alpharabi mobile app: